Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I just went to a smoothie party that was more like a milkshake party.  Do you know what the best part of said smoothie party was? (Yes, the cool people there) 
But as far as smoothies go, the best part was a smoothie made out of creamsicle and strawberries.
Mixed together with a little milk, it was money.

Now, let me chime in on smoothies! I made up some Crystal Light as per the directions on the package...which is to add the appropriate amount of water and mix. Then I filled my magic bullet cup loosely with French Vanilla ice cream. I poured the juice in around the ice cream and then blended. It was SO GOOD. Very quick and tasty way to cool down with only two ingredients, one being mostly tap water! Very quick and very easy to change flavors. I'm sure you could add in other fruits or candies as wanted.
XOXO- Bumbles

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I like your style...

I was hang out with some friends last night and ice cream sounded like the best idea ever. 
But what sounded even better was fruit loops in my ice cream.

Can I just say, win?

Well while I was eating that bit of magic someone looked over and asked if I had fruit loops in my ice cream.
Then everyone had to know if they were.

So I let them try it.
how did they like it you ask?

One friend said

I like your style. 

So go out and get some fruit loops for your ice cream friends. 


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Insulin, please!

I love Rice Crispy Treats. I just really do. The best part about them is that you can add just about anything to them. Butter, Marshmallow, and then you choose!

My current favorite add in is Frosted Flakes. I have also enjoyed coconut, chocolate chips, sprinkles, nuts...

I made these beauts for a school pot luck that was themed "Wacky". Malt-O-Meal variety fruity puffy cereal and multi-colored frosting. You may be saying "that's a lot of sugar to be adding frosting to.." To which I would say, yes, yes it was.

Friday, May 18, 2012

She sells Sea Shells...

A great gal in my ward asked me to help out with the favors for her wedding. I may have offered my help too... (winky face!). Any how, she had a beach theme and wanted to put candies in little buckets for each of her 180 guests. No problem! said I with little realization of the sheer amount of time (and cost) I was committing to. I thought I'd start early and just do some here and there and finish with time to spare. Ha ha ha. I ended up popping out the last set ten minutes before I said I would be at her house ( a day after I had scheduled for myself). Oh, well! It all turned out in the end. Her reception was beautiful, as was she! I felt great doing something so special for such a wonderful family. 

The wedding colors were teal and green. I tried to get a nice mixture of those colors with white so they appeared a little lifelike. I used green and blue melting discs with the pastel Colorburst discs, until I ran out of those, then I used white discs with sprinkles mixed in.
Here's a close-up! There were 5 shapes in the mold- 11 cavities. To get to the 540 requested, I needed to fill the mold at least 49 times. I ended up buying a second mold so things would go more quickly.
Some of the swirls turned out really well. I melted the white base in a double boiler on the stove and microwaved the color in a shallow mug. Ideally, I used a 2:1 ratio when mixing colors. I plopped  a blob of white in a bowl, then a smaller blob of color on top. You then drag a toothpick, or a spoon  in my case, across both colors. Often I needed to pull up  some color from beneath using the spoon. I tried piping with a plastic decorating bag, but you lost the marbling.

The loaded box! Which was heavy. Very heavy. On the side are 200 cream cheese mints popped out of a round chocolate mold. It worked alright, but not the most effecient way to do things! They tasted great though. I thought they might look like sand dollars to fit the beach theme! The chocolates are 5 layers thick with about 130ish pieces per layer.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Black Sheep Cafe

I know how you all love when we don't post for month and then do two in one day.
Because I know how you love this the second post today will be a restaurant review.

Some of you may know that I (Renae) have moved to Provo, lets be real I don't think anyone reads this but Crystal, Randi, sometimes Lucy and me, so you all know I have moved to Provo.

You also may know, you do know, that Randi got hired on full time at her internship.
We are all very proud.
As a way to go Bugs, she took me out to lunch. I know that seems wrong but that's how I roll.
If you have big new you may also take me out to lunch.

We went to the Black Sheep Cafe. It was right off Center St and behind the old Los Hermanos.

Everything on the lunch menu is about $8 if I remember right. Sides are around $4. So all in all the price isn't to bad. Randi and I split one meal with a fry bread side. We would of been okay with out the fry bread.

The Cafe is cute and has some cool art work in it.
It has a fun kind of funky unfinished feel to it that I really liked.
Right next to the door there is an artiest work area that you can look into.

You can eat in or take out and both take about 20 minutes to get your food. For Randi's half hour lunch that wasn't the best but we made it work. For normal life it would be fine.

Now on to the food.

We got one of the many Navajo Tacos. I'm sorry to say I don't remember what we ordered above that it was a Navajo Taco. It was amazing.

The meat was cooked just right and fit perfectly with the other toppings. The fry bead kept its taste and crunch during the whole meal. We ate it on a park bench so it was a little messy, but well worth it.

The fry bread side came with some butter that was amazing. (I like the word amazing.) We liked it so much we ate it with our hands.

So to recap, the cafe is cute, the food is worth the 20 minutes and isn't priced to high.

I would recommend this place for a lunch out with the girls (or boys), a date, a family dinner or a solo food fest.

It is kind of small so I wouldn't go there with a big group that will order a lot.

If you aren't looking for fried food I hear they have really good goat burgers, but I can't say if they are or not.  

Here is their facebook page, here is there blog, and here is a photo I snagged off of the internet.

So there is my review of the Black Sheep Cafe.

I hope you enjoyed.


Christmas and New Year's

I was just looking though the photos still on my camera and came across these guys. It is a true Deighton Christmas and New Years party spread. Enjoy.

We all love this but I think Randi loves it most. 

This is what we call having "party" for dinner. It happens on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve almost every year. It is oh so much fun.

Also, my Grandma got a cakepop maker for Christmas. Here's how it went.

This happened a lot when I was filling it. I just don't know why. :)

Don't they look so good? 

If you were there you know what this was. If not you might be able to guess at it.

So over all it was easy to use and a lot of fun. We got a little carried way and made a ton of them. I also spilled a lot. All in all good times.

Love you all

Thursday, March 8, 2012

New Photos

There are some new photos coming soon. Really there are. They are stuck on Crystal's camera and just need to be free.

We are working on it!

The food looks really good in the too.

Oh new favorite way to cook chicken is to cut it up into bit sized pieces,
then in a bag mix Parmesan cheese with spices
(I used what ever Pampered Chef stuff my mom has. It was Greek and Rosemary I think)
and then toss it around.
Once it is good and covered toss it into a fry pan with a little bit of oil.

It is really good on its own and also in a salad. I want to try it in a salad with apples and nuts.

So there you are, new favorite chicken.



Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fresh taste straight from the can

So, all growing up our mother made spaghetti sauce from tomato sauce and spices. When I started living on my own, I realized that a jar of sauce was not only faster, but tasted as good. I recently decided that I would make my spaghetti sauce from "scratch" since I've been snowbound for several days. My trick to making it taste fresh and delish? I pureed a tomato (Roma) in my Magic Bullet and added it to my simmering sauce. It really gives an extra gardeny flavor to a can of sauce!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Russian Cream and Cake

I love Russian Cream and cakes in glasses. So for New Year's Eve I did both. I first heard about Russian Cream on one of my favorite blogs, She Blogs She Blogs. Here is how you make it,



4 Cups Cream
2 Cups Sugar mixed with 1 tablespoon unflavored Knox gelatin
2 Cups Sour Cream
1 Tablespoon Vanilla


Mix your gelatin with your sugar. Then, pour your cream in a saucepan on medium heat. Add your sugar/gelatin mixture to your cream until everything is thoroughly dissolved. Continue stirring your cream over medium heat until it is hot to touch, but not boiling. Then cool your mixture. (The freezer can help with this.) Once it's warm or room temp, whisk in the sour cream and vanilla.

I have made this a few different times. I like to make a cookie shell to put it in too. I have made it with 1% and 2% milk and it has turned out well both times. Also, if you don't have sour cream, I have used yogurt before. It always takes longer to set up then you think it should. It goes faster in smaller amounts, like glasses. I have made it in half too and it works out just as well.

For New Year's I made a home made white cake and colored it pink and purple. I then layered it with the Russian Cream. I wish I had let the cream set up in a different bowl so that I would have layered it better. I still liked how these turned out.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Renae found it, we made it, Randi ate it.


The one good thing about Renae being unemployed is that she finds all sorts of amazing things on the internet for us to try! The original version of this was just an egg with some bacon sticking out of it. We, however, decided to jazz it up a bit. Mom's fridge was a great help providing us with ham, cheese, tomato, olives, and eggs. We used canned crescent roll dough and a muffin tin (as you see) to make the base and then just filled with "stuff" and topped with an egg. You do have to be careful not to fill it too full before the egg goes in or it spills over the side. And that is bad. We baked at 350 for about ten minutes, or until the egg looked cook.

They looked and tasted great! Very fun idea for fancy individual breakfasts.