Thursday, December 8, 2011


In true get fat fashion I have some amazing photos for you.
Are these photos of good foods you could eat? Of well placed plates created with love?

NOPE. They are photos of a taco eating contest we called the Throw Down, Throw Up.

Main player you ask? Ashley Webster and Ryan Beecher

Number of tacos you ask? 10 each

Time it took place you ask? After FHE this week

Place it took place you want to know? Jack in the Box

That is right. At nine at night these two brave people ate 20 Jack in the Box deep fried tacos all for the right to say they could eat the most.

Lets take a look.

Below we see Ashley's at six.

An now Ryan's at around the same count. At this point Ash was doing really well and Ryan was doing it faster.

That's what the after looks like. It wasn't pretty, but no one threw up...Ashley wanted to.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chicken Parmesan

This summer I wanted to learn how to make chicken parmesan.
This is the recipe I wanted to use.

Crazy right!! So I kept looking for a easier recipe to make.

And that is when I found this one.

It is easy to make and taste great. This photo isn't the best but I made it again after this first try and it was much prettier.

I also found that bread crumbs are like the easiest thing in the world to make. All you have to do is slowly feed your bread into your blender, I so with I could say something cooler then a blender but that's all I
After they have reached the size of crumbs you are looking for, for Chicken Parm I made them very small, like just a little bigger then maybe sugar, dump them into a bowl.

Now in that bowl you should add whatever kinds of flavors you want and you can do as much as you want. For chicken parmesan, I do whatever is opposite of my sauce. If I have a strong sauce I do weaker bread and vic versa.

After it is flavored to perfection spread them out on a greased cookie sheet and broil them in a oven. When they are golden brown on one side flip them over and let them cook on the other.

Most of you reading this, at this point I think Crystal and Randi and maybe our parents will be the only ones to ever read this, will think this so very silly. Who doesn't know how to make bread crumbs. Well I didn't and it was kind of a big deal when I figured it out.

I have also found that if you let the chicken cook a for the whole time in the pan, before it goes into the oven, it is prettier and easier to deal with. It also makes for a better hard shell to the chicken.



Some Dinner Foods

Miss Miranda Ann and I use to try and have a dinner party every Sunday night when we lived in the BYU 57th ward. One week made roasts to share with our friends.
(Something you should know about this dinner party thing was that the menu was almost never thought through until Saturday and the guest list was made up after Sunday School. We never really knew who would be coming or how many people would be there.)

So, back to the story, we had a roast and wanted to make it for Sunday dinner. We had potatoes, but no carrots. This lead us to dig through our fridge and what should we find? Something that is nothing at all like a carrot but that might taste good cooked with meat. That's right, celery.

(I don't know why this is blue or underlined....I want it to stop)

And here is another look at my normal roast.

After that roast was ready we though...hmm...what would be good and new to put on this big old piece of meat? And then it hit us...FRUIT!!!

This one was covered in pineapple, apple juice and peach juice. It also got the same potato, onion and celery mix as well as brie cheese.

Out of the two the fruit one was the best. It was soft and fruity but at the same time it maintained its meaty flavor. The pits of melty cheese didn't hurt much and added a fresh taste to it.

All in all they were both a big hit and most importantly, the celery worked out great.

Love you lots


A few photos to start with.

Crystal and I started this blog to post things that would inspire people to get fat! It is to be a home for recipes, stories, photos and how-to's on all things food and food related. I have a few good photos of food I was going to put on my other blog but never did so they shall find a home here.

This is Zebra Popcorn. It is amazing and so easy to make.
All you need is some popped corn, melted chocolate, a cookie sheet and an fridge.
oh you can also put sprinks on it.
All you have to do is put a thin layer of popcorn on the cookie sheet. Then you cover it all with white melted chocolate. After it hardens up a bit it's time for the milk chocolate.
These zebras are white with black strips.
To make the Zebra strips is drizzle the milk chocolate over the whole thing.

Stick the whole aside to let it cool and harden. (I put mine in the fridge or freezer depending on how much time I have)

I like to then brake it up and put it into a bowl to serve and is great for all kinds of events.
I make it the most when I don't have a lot of time and have forgotten I said I would bring something.

And there you have it, one more tasty treat to help you on your way to fatness.

Lots of love